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All Phase Environmental offers you an additional service by completing NEPA Checklist reviews. These detailed research projects are required along with a Phase One ESA prior to the installation of communication tower sites pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations. The FCC requires potential adverse environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of a proposed communication tower be assessed.


Some federally funded projects also require a NEPA checklist review as part of the Phase One ESA. The content of the NEPA checklist was developed by the US Environmental Protection Act to report potential adverse environmental impacts on plants, animals and cultural sites.

We will determine if the property is located in an officially designated wildlife preserve.

We will determine if the property is located in a flood plain.

We will determine if the property will affect any Indian religious site.

Research will be done to determine if the property will affect districts, sites, buildings, structures or objects, significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering or culture, that are listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places.

We will determine if the project will require antenna towers and/or supporting structures equipped with high intensity white lights located in residential neighborhoods as defined by the applicable zoning law.

Research will be done to determine if the property will jeopardize the continued existence of any threatened or endangered species or critical habitats, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

Research will be done to determine if the property affects listed threatened or endangered species or designated critical habitats.

We will determine if the facility construction would involve significant changes in surface features such as deforestation, wetland filling or surface water diversion.

Nepa Cell Tower Reviews



A copy of the NEPA checklist and supporting documentation.


All telephone conversations will be summarized in the report findings and the actual telephone memos will be presented in the appendix of the report.


Copies of all correspondence with governmental agencies.


Where possible, copies of the maps researched.





Color digital photographs.


Report presented in written format and on CD.




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